Creation Will Now Sing & Chirp A Familiar Song - Limited Edition
This is one of my favorite images I've created over the years. It really speaks to me, and that's probably because I just love a foggy...

National Juried Exhibition updates
On View at the Emporium Gallery, Knoxville, Tn. - “The Viewing of The Jewish Bride” - India Ink Wash and Airbrush By Artist Eric Buechel...

New - To Dream of Airplanes, Ladders, and Sunny Days
A PAINTING of A PAINTING Here's my latest painting. In this painting I decided to place a group of people in front of a painting in a...

Dogwood Regional Fine Arts Exhibition
My Neo-Lisa has been selected for the Dogwood Arts Regional Fine Arts Exhibition at The Emporium Center Gallery in Knoxville, Tennessee....