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A Mother's Kiss

India Ink (Airbrush and Brushwork) on Arches Paper, Size 18 - 1/8" x 25 - 1/4" By Eric Buechel 2017

In this latest ink drawing, I see an attempt to capture the essence of motherhood from the beginning point of it's beautiful journey. In this drawing, a young mother is shown tenderly kissing her young child. Although surrounded by less than ideal conditions, this mother has dreams and aspirations for her child to reach beyond the confines of his or her circumstances. This young woman could be anyone as every mother has these same dreams and aspirations for her child. A young mother viewing this could certainly relate as she is currently in this phase of her motherhood journey. And an older mother, like myself, can look back and remember the very dreams she held on to so tightly for her child. Though circumstances may change and the dream may have taken a different direction, the same desires and depth of affection are found with mothers of all ages. I hope you enjoy my husband's latest work titled "A Mother's Kiss".

Kathy Buechel

Mother, A Cradle to Hold Me

- Maya Angelou It is true I was created in you. It is also true That you were created for me. I owned your voice. It was shaped and tuned to soothe me. Your arms were molded Into a cradle to hold me, to rock me. The scent of your body was the air Perfumed for me to breathe. Mother, During those early, dearest days I did not dream that you had A large life which included me, For I had a life Which was only you. Time passed steadily and drew us apart. I was unwilling. I feared if I let you go You would leave me eternally....(Continue)

Eric Buechel Fine Art/ The Bee Hive Atelier

P.O. Box 277

Pleasant Hill Tennessee 38578

(931) 881-7806


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Eric Buechel Fine Art P.O. Box 277  Pleasant Hill, Tennessee 38578  (931) 881-7806


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